Other Services at Brutal Ceilings
Custom Tile design and production:
Please contact us if you like what we are doing but want a custom decorative ceiling tile job done to your specifications, such as a company logo turned into a tile. We do the mold design in-house and have a great relationship with a local machine shop.
Design Services:
We can help you with your ceiling layout and help with selecting tile combinations that work best with your unique location attributes.
Interior Decorating:
The lobby and atrium of our showroom is furnished with a curated selection of mid-century modern furniture, one-of-a-kind art pieces, and vintage curiosities all available for purchase. Prices are available upon request. We have a vast selection of vintage modern furniture available for use in your interior design projects.
Browse and listen to our collection of over 200 vintage vinyl records while learning more about Brutal tiles! We also offer interior design consultations, as well as drafting, design and rendering services. Book an appointment to visit with us to learn more.